Relevance of 2013..
..Was reading blackout today, published October 21th 2013.. just before my wellness break.. I have to bring this up because.. this tells a lot about the artists character.. and much more..
This is a Part of Journal memo from October 19th 2013:
- "I appreciate simple terms of life.. This must be the way should be.. The way we should enjoy life.. I can’t understand it otherwise.. My life reflection act up on me as my state of conscience grow up on me.. As Serendipity fuse up on me.. As art get up on Clarity.."
- "The more I know why I like something.. The less I get enough if it.. I start to like this shit worse then ever.. It makes me only stronger Forever..
- "Wildcard was blooming my mind today when I was needing it too.. It did appear as a desire under my perception and the Storm as just begun.. My path continue and the relevance faith the Serendipity.."
This would then continue here with go by..